About Us

Professional independent escorting requires a lot of hard work. Therefore, many professional escorts are turning to administrative services and personal assistants for help. They realize there is simply not enough time in the day to do everything themselves. How is it possible to have scheduled a full day of appointments and still properly answer all your email, properly verify clients, properly schedule more appointments, and still have quality time for yourself? Clearly, the busy escort cannot do it all, and that’s where we come in.

Why should you choose ‘Escort Assistant ’ to assist you with your business?

We are different from the rest. No one will ever know you utilize our services.

They will never know we assist with your advertising and marketing, answer your e-mails, do your screening, manage your schedule, book your appointments, and keep you safe. For some misguided reason, many providers think clients are impressed if they have a personal assistant. Let me assure you, they are not. Clients who are looking for independent escorts only want to communicate with you! In their minds, the GFE experience begins with the first email he receives from you, and ends when your session together is over. We will be your best kept secret!

We are not an “administrative assistance service.” Rather, we are your personal assistant

Please don’t confuse the two because there are some major differences. Administrative assistance services require volume. They have “trained people” answering your phone, answering your email, and verifying your clients. Sure, maybe they have” trained people” assigned to “your account,” but how qualified are they? Really, do you want hired help answering your email and verifying potential clients?

We have been a personal assistant for escorts longer than anyone else (since 2001), and we know what it takes to help make you successful.

We are extremely reliable, fast, and efficient. We don’t take nights and weekends off, and never lose sight of the fact that we work for you. You decide when, where, and how much you want to work. Also, we can be your personal assistant from anywhere in the world, so if you move, we can move with you.

We will help your business grow.

Here’s an email we recently received from one of the newer ladies we assist, after two weeks of working together:
“I’ve been trying to keep from saying this because it sounds so korny; but … I can’t keep my mouth shut and feel the compulsive urge to say everything that I think. Thank you, you really are good at what you do, this has by far been the best week that I have ever had. For once, instead of calling my husband wondering how we were going to budget everything, I actually had to call him and ask what I should do with all of the money. In fact, this entire past month has been awesome. I was actually on the verge of quitting with all of the stress of trying to do everything on my own and it still all failing. Thank you so much! ;-)”